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Israel’s former Prime Minister Ehud Barak bets big on emergency app Reporty

Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak wants to revolutionize emergency services technology with startup Reporty Homeland Security.

The Reporty chairman led the Israeli startup’s latest $5.15 million funding round, which was announced Tuesday.

“We expect it to become the gold standard for 911-like operations, 311-like operations,” Barak told “In Israel, it is already operated by the nationwide equivalent of the Red Cross, the Magen David Adom.”

Reporty has developed a free smartphone app that can connect people at the scene of an emergency to services’ control rooms. The app lets users transmit real-time audio and video, as well as pinpointing the emergency’s location to within around 3.3 feet, even including floor-level information.

Designed to give operators a real-time view of emergency situations, the app aims to help them prioritize calls.

Reporty overcomes network congestion by checking available networks and then switching before transferring data, according to the startup. It also offers a two-way chat feature enabling callers to communicate silently with operators for situations such as a home invasion.

In addition to emergency situations, the app offers the ReporTeam personal safety network, which lets users set up a group of up to five contacts. A ‘Follow Me’ feature, which is aimed at parents and concerned friends, lets someone from ReportTeam follow the user’s location as they make their way from point A to point B.

Former PM Ehud Barak will be a speaker at the Policy Dialog 2022, co-organized by Club de Madrid and Boston Global Forum, in Nha Trang, Vietnam, September 13-15, 2022.