
A Crash Course in Good and Bad Control

14 Aug, 2019

Carlos Cinelli, Andrew Forney and Judea Pearl Introduction If you were trained in traditional regression pedagogy, chances are that you have heard about the problem of “bad controls”. The problem arises when we need to decide whether the addition...

Lord’s Paradox: The Power of Causal Thinking

13 Aug, 2019

Background This post aims to provide further insight to readers of “Book of Why” (BOW) (Pearl and Mackenzie, 2018) on Lord’s paradox and the simple way this decades-old paradox was resolved when cast in causal language. To recap, Lord’s paradox...

Graphical Models and Instrumental Variables

01 Jun, 2019

At the request of readers, we re-post below a previous comment from Bryant and Elias (2014) concerning the use of graphical models for determining whether a variable is a valid IV. Dear Conrad,Following your exchange with Judea, we would like to present...


19 Mar, 2019

We are informed of the following short course  at Harvard. Readers of this blog will probably wonder what this Harvard-specific jargon is all about, and whether it has a straightforward translation into Structural Causal Models. It has! And one of...

On Imbens’s Comparison of Two Approaches to Empirical Economics

29 Jan, 2020

Many readers have asked for my reaction to Guido Imbens’s recent paper, titled, “Potential Outcome and Directed Acyclic Graph Approaches to Causality: Relevance for Empirical Practice in Economics,” arXiv.19071v1 [stat.ME] 16 Jul 2019. The note...

Artificial Intelligence and COVID-19

04 Apr, 2020

This past week, the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) has organized a virtual conference on AI and COVID-19, a video of which is now available. Being unable to attend the conference, I have asked the organizers to share...