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The AIWS-IN Roundtable discusses centers of power in the Social Contract 2020

Last week, distinguished professors of Harvard, MIT, and leaders discuss about Citizens, a center of power in the Social Contract 2020.

Individual have their voice through Internet, social media, emails, they really have power.

How will the politics of the world treat this new center of power? Can they be directly involved with political decisions? Are they really equal in impact in the society? With direct impact voice from people, will political leaders become more populist? How does one solve this populism?

Here are ideas from discussion on AIWS-IN Roundtable:

  • With AI, Internet, and new technology, individual can directly involve political decisions. But in reality, the influence of each individual has different impact.  It depends on their perceptions, awareness, and specially in their contribution in the society.
  • Individual should be recognized their contribution for the society in diversify areas such as help communities, volunteers, innovation, invention, creation, and such, by social value reward
  • The society should treat and respect their voices, impact by their contributions. Individual should be equal by their contributions, and should be equal in opportunities of education.
  • To solve populism, one of very helpful tool is AI assistants, a new center of power. With AI assistants will provide data, information, and help people very smart in making decision. By this way, real talent, dedicated, honest leaders will be recognized.
  • If we use AI assistants as very important tool to support people, AI assistants become a center of power, then we need to balance and check this center of power. And AIWS-IN roundtable will discuss about AI assistants in next week.