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Community Innovation Economy: equality of opportunity in the AI and Digital Age

Many worry about Big Tech’s control and domination of markets, with no opportunities for small companies and individuals, destroying innovations.

The Community Innovation Economy is a significant solution for these challenges.

In a society, every citizen can innovate and exchange their innovation and works, based on an ecosystem such as AIWS Innovation.

The Community Innovation Economy (CIE) is a concept conceived by MIT Professor Alex Petland and Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum. is a pilot model of CIE. Afterwards, authors can create an ecosystem for this concept and apply at

This concept is recognized as a solution of the United Nations Centennial Initiative. This is also a solution to help people work in the AI and Digital Age without fears of displacement by mechanization, as innovativeness is not an attribute of non-AI machines. This concept will be presented and discussed at the Policy Lab An AI International Accord – Toward an Age of Global Enlightenment, co-organized by Club de Madrid and Boston Global Forum September 7-9, 2021.