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This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence was proposed
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – the Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence was proposed. The proposal was submitted on September 2, 1955, but written on August 31, 1955. It was the collaboration of John McCarthy,...
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – John McCarthy proposed the ‘advice taker’ in 1959
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – John McCarthy proposed the “advice taker” in his paper “Programs with Common Sense.” This hypothetical program was the first to use logic to represent information. The paper was published in 1959.
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – Frank Rosenblatt developed the Perceptron
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – Frank Rosenblatt developed the Perceptron in 1957. It is a form of neural network that allowed pattern-recognition.
Frank Rosenblatt was an American psychologist. Born in 1928, Rosenblatt would go on...
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – DARPA ends the Strategic Computing Initiative in 1993
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – the Strategic Computing Initiative was ended by DARPA in 1993. DARPA stands for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a research and development agency founded by the US Department of Defense...
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – IBM “Watson” machine defeats 2 human Jeopardy! champions
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – IBM “Watson” machine defeats 2 human Jeopardy! champions. The machine went on the show on February 16th, 2011 and faced off against Ken Jennings and Brad Rutter, previous winners of the famous game-show.
Joy Buolamwini is a Person of the History of AI 2020
Joy Adowaa Buolamwini is a Ghanaian-American computer scientist and digital activist based at the MIT Media Lab. She founded the Algorithmic Justice League, an organisation that looks to challenge bias in decision making software.
In 2020, Buolamwini...
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – the Alvey Programme was launched by the British government
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – the Alvey Programme was launched by the British government in 1983. It is a project developed in response to Japan’s own Fifth Generation Computer project. There was no specific focus or directive,...
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – DARPA ends the Strategic Computing Initiative in 1993
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – the Strategic Computing Initiative was ended by DARPA in 1993. DARPA stands for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a research and development agency founded by the US Department of Defense...
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – Herbert Simon and Allen Newell develop Logic Theorist
This week in The History of AI at AIWS.net – Herbert Simon and Allen Newell developed Logic Theorist in December 1955. Logic Theorist is a computer program that is considered to be the first AI program. The program was designed to perform automated...