AIWS Social Contract and UN Centennial

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AIWS Social Contract and UN Centennial

Social Contract for the AI Age

09 Sep, 2020

09/09/2020 Original Signatories Governor Michael Dukakis, Boston Global Forum and President Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga, Latvia and World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid Additional Signatories Vint Cerf, Father of Internet, Google, Nazli Choucri, MIT, Prime...

Father of the Internet Vint Cerf talks at UN Roundtable 2045

15 Aug, 2020

  “All people can create value for each other. A good economy has an ecosystem of organizations that lets that happen, in the most meaningful and fulfilling ways.” How can we make this idea happen through using AI and the Internet? How can we...

UN2045: Building a Trustworthy Economy

19 Jul, 2020

Today’s financial systems are not trusted by citizens because they are inherently unstable and winner-take-all, so for most people the system offers only failure.  Today, new digital technologies allow the fine-grain feedback needed to build systems...