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The AIWS Innovation Network

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The evolution of Artificial Intelligence holds great promise in a wide variety of sectors but can also be used in damaging ways, including political manipulation and unwarranted surveillance. For this reason, we’ve created the Artificial Intelligence World Society Initiative (AIWSI) as a means of counteracting harmful and unethical uses of AI, and building the 7-layer AI model, including ethics, to achieve a peaceful and secure world.

The mission of AIWSI is to develop recommendations for the development and implementation of AI in ways that promote the public interest. This includes:

  • Develop an ethical framework for the use of AI.
  • Create a new social contract.
  • Establish concepts and principles for the 7-layer AIWS.
  • Innovate technical protocols to enhance cybersecurity and protect privacy.

The AIWS Innovation Network is a part of AIWSI

AIWS will identify, publish and promote principles for the virtuous application of AI. AIWS Innovation Network will develop apps consistent with these principles for use in healthcare, education, transportation, national security, and other areas.

The Innovation Network will be constructed on three pillars:

  • Connecting
  • Monitoring and Judging
  • Practicing Principles

1. Connecting

The AIWS Innovation Network will connect key AI actors and provide services that can assist in the development of AI.

By key actors, we refer to influential AI end users, including governments, corporations and non- profit organizations, and to AI experts, including thought leaders, scholars, creators, and innovators.

By services, we refer to such activities as providing advice on AI projects, assisting in developing solutions to AI problems, offering training in AI subjects, and connecting AI event organizers with speakers.

Services will also include periodic conferences, forums, and roundtables on AI topics; development of AI apps, etc.

Our AIWS Young Leaders program is a key part of this component. The program currently includes Young Leaders from Australia, Austria, Belgium, Britain, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Finland, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States, and Vietnam.

2. Monitoring and Assessing

The AIWS Innovation Network will monitor AI developments and uses by governments, corporations, and non-profit organizations to assess whether they comply with the norms and standards codified in the AIWS Social Contract 2020. Noncompliant actors will be identified and publicized through fact-based reports.

AIWS Young Leaders will be a cornerstone of the monitoring effort, given their connection to AI developments in their respective countries.

3. Principles and Practicing:

Principles of AI-Governments, AI-Citizens, AIWS Social Contract 2020 and principles applied AI in education, healthcare, transportation, national security and encourage practicing these principles. Assisting the United Nations in its UN 2045 Centenary Project, including preparation of a volume of forward- looking essays (curated by Mr. Tuan Anh Nguyen) on technological change.

The AIWS Innovation Network will also monitor developments in AI to identify existing and emerging actors who can contribute to the network’s mission.


The AIWS Innovation Network was established by former Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis, Internet pioneer Nguyen Anh Tuan, M.I.T. professors Nazli Choucri and Alex Sandy Pentland, Harvard professors Thomas Patterson and David Silbersweig, and Northeastern University professor Christo Wilson.

This effort is sponsored by the Boston Global Forum, Michael Dukakis Institute, the Government of Massachusetts, and MIT and has guidance from former presidents and prime ministers who are members of the World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid.