
A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research

14 May, 2020

Volume I: Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Learning Introduction The purpose of this book is to provide an overview of AI research, ranging from basic work to interfaces and applications, with as much emphasis on results as on current issues....

On The Reasons Behind Decisions

13 May, 2020

Adnan Darwiche, Auguste Hirth Professor Judea Pearl commented “Speaking about “explainable AI”, this paper shows that, even in classification tasks, and even after agreeing on a Bayesian Network classifier, answering “why”...

Causal Inference in Machine Learning and AI

08 May, 2020

Online lecture on causal data science wtih directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) in the advanced applied econometrics course at KU Leuven, Belgium (May 7, 2020). Talk is based on the following paper: Further teaching material:...

Causal Inference Without Counterfactuals: Comment

06 May, 2020

Judea Pearl 1. BACKGROUND The field of statistics has seen many well-meaning crusades against threats from metaphysics and other heresy. In its founding prospectus of 1834, the Royal Statistical Society resolved “to exclude carefully all Opinions...