
Statistical tools for valid causal inference with fewer assumptions

25 Oct, 2020

The original article can be found here. Causal inference is important in medical research to help determine if treatments are beneficial and if natural exposures are harmful. In many settings, data collection makes causal inference difficult without making...

The AIWS City – a model for cities of 2045

24 Oct, 2020

The United Nations 2045 Roundtable United Nations 2045 Initiative – UNleashed 2045: The United Nations at 100 The AIWS City – a model for cities of 2045 Time: 11:00 am – 12:30 pm EDT, October 27, 2020 This is a United Nations 2045 Roundtable...

The Social Contract for the AI Age at the Riga Conference 2019

09 Oct, 2020

Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum, was a speaker at the Riga Conference 2019 at the Plenary Session “Political Power in the Digital Age”. Mr. Tuan introduced the AIWS Social Contract 2020. This was after the AIWS Conference at Harvard...