
Home » AIWS Roundtable » Mentors of State Minister Yasuhide Nakayama and Prime Minister Zlatko Lagumdzija contribute important ideas for AI International Accord

Mentors of State Minister Yasuhide Nakayama and Prime Minister Zlatko Lagumdzija contribute important ideas for AI International Accord

State Minister Yasuhide Nakayama: spoke on national security threats that coincide with technology and that there is a need for AI ethics, policies, which the Japanese government has taken into account in their national strategy. He emphasized the importance of deepening the mutual understanding of AI ethics, policies and development. He concerns about lacking international relations in AI, and raised needed of AI International Accord, and confirmed Japan government will contribute and support for an International Accord on Artificial Intelligence.

Prime Minister Zlatko Lagumdzija said that in order to implement new ideas on AI there needs to be cooperation as well as global governance. Learning from history is a key point in this area. Using the history of atomic energy on a global level could provide useful insights for the development of global governance of AI. There needs to a leadership call like there was by Eisenhower for an atomic energy agency. He continued by proposing an inclusive international organization for AI that could be part of the UN and would be based on a multi-stakeholder approach.

A video of their contributions can be found here.