Artificial Intelligence and the Sustainable Development Goals
December 5, 2022, the Boston Global Forum, and United Nations Academic Impact collaborate to organize the United Nations 2045 Roundtable. This is a content of the United Nations 2045 Initiative. Chief of United Nations Academic Impact and Editor-in-Chief of the UN Chronicle Ramu Damodaran will be the moderator of the roundtable. The content of UN Roundtable is an official content of UN Academic Impact and UN Chronicle Magazine; and will be posted on at AIWS Roundtable.
Guest speakers of UN 2045 Roundtable are leaders, distinguished thinkers, and thought leaders that will discuss new ideas, solutions, recommendations, and suggestions to shape a smart, effective, peaceful, and secure world in 2045. The first UN 2045 Roundtable is the UN Charter Day 2045 Roundtable June 26, 2020 with the topic “A New Social Contract in the Age of AI and Intellectual Society”.
The United Nations 2045 Initiative is an initiative of the United Nations Academic Impact, which visualizes through book and videos to shape and invent the world in 2045. The Boston Global Forum is an ally of United Nations Academic Impact in this Initiative.
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