Artificial Intelligence and the Sustainable Development Goals
December 5, 2022
The Boston Global Forum and the United Nations Academic Impact co-organized an AI World Society Distinguished Lecture on United Nations Charter Day, June 26, 2019. The AI World Society Distinguished Lecture was delivered by Dr. David A. Bray in the ECOSOC Chamber, United Nations Headquarters. On this special day, the AI World Society Distinguished Lecture is named as the United Nations Charter Day Lecture.
Artificial Intelligence, the Internet and the Future of Data: Where Will We Be in 2045? will examine the impact of technology on the mission of the UN 100 years after its creation.
The event is broadcasted through UN WebTV:
The Lecture start at 10:00 am with film about establish United Nations Charter on June 26, 1945 in San Francisco, followed by participants standing to read key messages of UN Charter.
Then, Mr. Nguyen Anh Tuan, CEO of the Boston Global Forum introduced the AI World Society Initiative and AI World Society Distinguished Lecture, and honored to name the AI World Society Distinguished Lecture as United Nations Academic Impact Charter Day Lecture on this special day.
Then, Dr. Bray, presented the Lecture with his vision about the world in 2045, 100 years of United Nations, and at the time that he will be 67 years old.
Maher Nasser, Director, Outreach Division Department of Global Communications, United Nations.
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